I’m alive. What next?

Tara Heavey
3 min readNov 21, 2020
By Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

These times we live in,

these times we live in.

How to cope,

How to cope?

What to do?

Where to turn?

The doctor, the partner, the friend? The great outdoors? All of the above?

Times are hard, we say. Haven’t they always been? A different kind of hard, a new kind of hard. We no longer deal with raids by gangs of marauding vikings. Or neighbouring clansmen trying to steal our land. Although in some parts of the world, they probably do. Maybe someone is stealing your peace of mind. Maybe you’re letting them by failing to erect emotional boundaries.

Please don’t beat yourself up if this is what you’ve been doing. Perhaps you never learned. Perhaps, in your family, boundaries were not allowed. But here you stand.

Here you stand now.

Still standing.

Still breathing.

You are alive.

What are you going to do now?

What are you going to do next?

You don’t know. I don’t know either. But I am here with you. We are here together. On this planet, at this time. And all I can say to you now is that I feel you. I acknowledge your pain. And I share it. You are not alone…

